Organization and Storage

Customizable 3D printable storage and organizational models

A render of a 3d printed customizable battery case

Battery Case

Parametric case designed for batteries, customizable to your needs

A render of 3d printed customizable cable organizers

Cable Organizers

Cable storage and transportation solutions. 

A render of a 3d printed outlet shelf

Outlet Shelf

Outlet cover with attached shelf

A render of a hexagon shaped storage container

Storage Containers

Storage containers in various shapes and sizes

A render of 3d printed customizable storage bin

Parametric Bin

Adjustable bin for storing things

A render of a customizable 3d printed duct adapter

Parametric Square Pen Holder

A clean and simple highly customizable square shaped pen holder

A render of a customizable 3d printed duct adapter

Parametric Circular Pen Holder

A clean and simple highly customizable cylindrical shaped pen holder

A render of a customizable 3d printed duct adapter

Parametric Hex Shaped Pen Holder

A clean and simple highly customizable hexagon shaped pen holder